Chelsio T3 Family 10Gb Ethernet driver (1.0.9).

The driver must be installed by a user with administration permissions, any attempt in installing the driver as a regular user will fail to install.

Mount the Disk image cxgb.dmg file by double-clicking on it. The cxgb
disk image should mount as a new device and place you in the base directory of the cxgb device. Please note that if the disk image is downloaded by Safari it will automatically mount.

Inside the mounted device locate the cxgb.mpkg installer package run it
by double-clicking on it. The installer will guide you through the remainder of the installation process.

The tools/ directory contains the user-space app cxgbtool
To install cxgbtool, change to the desired subdirectory and run the cxgbtool installer.

The app cxgbtool is used to display or change Chelsio network card settings.

This cxgbtool supports filtering settings on the Chelsio T3 based adapters.

Network Device Configuration
Please refer to the operating system documentation for administration and configuration of network devices.

Note: Some operating systems may attempt to auto-configure the detected hardware and some operating systems may not detect all ports on a multi-port adapter. If this happens, please refer to the operating system documentation for manually configuring the network device.

Performance tuning
Edit /etc/sysctl.conf to increase default parameter values on Mac OS X client:
If the default value for kern.ipc.maxsockbuf < 2097152 then set it in /etc/sysctl.conf to be 2097152.
The driver supports both INTx emulation and multiple MSI vectors.
In particular, the early 2008 Xserve has been validated to use per-qset MSI interrupts and a separate error interrupt. Receive-side Steering allows different source IP addresses to be directed to a particular qset. Currently, the driver initializes two qsets and uses qset 0 for TX.

MTU size of 9000 bytes is supported along with Large Receive Offload for standard MTU size of 1500 bytes. The latter can be disabled by setting the key "LRO" in the property list to any string:

Loading and unloading the driver
The installer will copy the KEXT into /System/Library/Extensions/cxgb3.kext
along with its property list file at:

The driver can be unloaded using:
sudo kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/cxgb3.kext

The driver can be loaded using:
sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/cxgb3.kext