Chelsio T3 Family 10G Bypass driver installer



Chelsio T3 Family 10G Bypass driver installer is for Chelsio's T3 Bypass adapters.
Access to the installer is through the downloadable file "chelsio_bypass_installer-1.0.tar.gz",
which is a tar-ball. The installer allows you to build, install and load
chelsio bypass driver cxgb3bypass- driver.

The installer contains:

1. cxgb3bypass- inside "chelsio_bypass_installer-1.0/packages/" folder
2. RPMS for ba_server and ba_client is present in "chelsio_bypass_installer-1.0/packages/RPMS/" folder
3. UserGuide inside "chelsio_bypass_installer-1.0/docs/" folder

How To Use

1. Download the "chelsio_bypass_installer-1.0.tar.gz" from
2. Untar using "tar xvfz chelsio_bypass_installer-1.0.tar.gz" command.
3. cd to chelsio_bypass_installer-1.0 folder.
4. run shell script using "./"
5. choose the option "b" to build and install the driver and "u" to un-install the driver.